Pomace transfer system

Pomace transfer system are essential in winemaking for emptying the fermentation vats and transferring the marc to the presses efficiently. Belt-type pomace transfer system preserve the marc better and are easy to clean, while screw-type systems, which are heavier and less gentle, are older generation models.
Pomace transfer systems are essential tools in the winemaking process during the devatting stage. They enable the fermentation vats to be emptied efficiently by removing the marc, i.e. the solid residue of the grapes.
This equipment facilitates the transfer of the marc to the presses. Pomace transfer systems are designed to minimise the physical effort required and speed up the process, while preserving the quality of the marc by avoiding excessive crushing.

By reducing handling time and improving devatting efficiency, decuveurs contribute to faster, cleaner wine production, guaranteeing a quality end product.

Their use facilitates emptying and the movement of marc, particularly in the case of vats with half-height doors.
  • Belt pomace transfer systems respect the integrity of the marc because they crush it less than an endless screw. They are also easy to clean.
  • Auger-type pomace transfer systems are more akin to an older generation of equipment, less manoeuvrable because they are heavier and less respectful of the pomace to be pressed.
Décuveur à vis sans fin
Screw scraper

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