Harvest transporter

Mechanical conveyors are used to transfer fresh, drained or fermented grapes, marc and stalks. They can be mobile, on wheels or stationary. Mechanical conveyors are generally better at maintaining the physical state of the harvest than pumps, but they have more limited flow rates, take up more space and require more tedious cleaning.


Also known as belts. They can be adapted to transfer mechanical or whole grapes, stalks and pomace. Made up of a stainless steel frame, a belt and, if required, a feed hopper that can also be used to collect juice. Driven by geared motor. The inclination can be adjusted using a rack and pinion jack or a hydraulic system.

Used to fill vats with whole bunches of grapes and to feed presses with drained or fermented grapes.
Transporteur à bandes
Belt conveyors


They can be adapted to transfer mechanical grapes, the first elements in the sorting chain. They have two functions:
  • draining the harvest before it is introduced into the destemmer.
  • to spread out the harvest either before or after the destemmer.
The vibrations allow the drained grapes to be conveyed to other grape processing equipment (destemmer, conveyor belt, pump, etc.).
Transporteur à plateau vibrant
Vibrating plate conveyor


These conveyors comprise a large-diameter screw rotating in a trough. They allow elevation of up to 30° at high flow rates.
The diameter, helix pitch and inclination of the turns vary according to the design.

Less and less used for transporting fresh grapes, they are frequently used for horizontal transfer of drained or fermented grapes and for removing marc from presses.
Transporteur à vis
Screw conveyor


Also known as a redler. They are suitable for transferring mechanical or whole grapes, and pomace from vatting.
  • The frame is made of metal, and the pallets are attached to the chain.
  • The pallets are moved forward to transfer the product.
  • Elevation up to 60°, with the possibility of breaking slopes.
Transporteur à chaines et palettes
Chain and pallet conveyor

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