Nozzles and spray balls

The cleaning nozzle or ball is used to apply descaling or disinfectant solutions or water to the internal surfaces of containers. Adapted to the volume of the tank and the pump, it generates straight jets for effective cleaning, complemented by trickling. Rotating jets are increasingly replacing traditional nozzles in wineries for greater efficiency.
Washing is optimised by high flow rates and pressures, as well as by the hydrodynamic parameters managed by the pump.

How it works

The cleaning nozzle or ball is used to apply the descaling or disinfecting solution or water to the surfaces of the container. It must be adapted to the volume of the tank and the characteristics of the pump.
More and more wineries are replacing washing nozzles with more effective rotating jets.
The pierced ball generates numerous straight jets. Where the jets hit the surface, the impact is significant, and between the jets it is only the run-off that cleans.
Washing will be more effective if flow rates and pressures are high.
Washing ball
Washing nozzles
Washing balls and nozzles
Washing balls

Mode of application

Washing nozzle mounted on its carriage
Washing nozzle on rod

The cleaning nozzle or ball is the element at the end of the circuit that enables the solution or water to be applied to the surfaces of the container, thanks to the hydrodynamic parameters chosen (flow rate, temperature) and ensured by the pump.

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