Thermal or pneumatic post driver

Thermal or pneumatic post drivers are powered either by an internal combustion engine or by compressed air. They offer great mobility and are ideal for small farms or difficult-to-access areas. Lightweight and easy to use, they are portable.

They are also popular for work outside the vineyard, such as installing residential fencing. Their main feature is their autonomy, since they do not depend on heavy machinery to operate them.

Component parts

The engine or compressor

Equipped with a two-stroke or 4-stroke internal combustion engine, depending on the model, the hammer is operated by a trigger.
The pneumatic version, which is less widespread, relies on an air compressor to operate the hammer.

The hammer

The posts are driven by a bell which strikes the post like a jackhammer at a rate of around 1,500 to 1,700 blows/min.
When driving metal posts, it is essential to use and place a martyr (or borrow) between the bell and the post in order to preserve the integrity of the iron post.
Enfonce pieux pneumatiquePneumatic post driver
Enfonce pieux thermique
Thermal post driver

Use and settings


This portable post driver is designed for small jobs and small to medium diameter posts. One person is all you need to handle and operate the tool.
Handy and precise, it weighs in at around 15 kg, but the work rate is low compared with percussion or hammer post drivers.


In terms of safety, using the tool with both hands to support the weight limits the risk of injury to the upper limbs. However, repeated use and the weight of the tool can cause other physical strains.

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