
Amphorae, inherited from ancient winemaking traditions, are winning over more and more winemakers looking for authenticity and originality. Made mainly from clay, terracotta or stoneware, these containers offer a unique alternative to traditional vats (stainless steel, wood or concrete). They give the wine a unique character and enable natural vinification without altering the intrinsic qualities of the grapes.


The advantages of amphorae in winemaking

Gentle, natural micro-oxygenation

Thanks to the porosity of the clay, amphoras allow micro-oxygenation comparable to that of wooden barrels, but without any additional aromatic contribution. This process naturally softens the tannins, while preserving the purity of the wine's aromas and flavours.

Thermal inertia

Amphoras offer excellent thermal stability, thanks in particular to the clay's ability to absorb and release heat slowly. This characteristic is particularly valuable for controlling fermentation, especially in hot climates.

Aromatic neutrality

Unlike wood, amphoras do not add exogenous notes to the wine. As a result, they reveal the purest expression of the grape varieties and terroir, while respecting the natural balance of the wine.

Versatile use

Amphoras can be used for both fermentation and ageing. They are suitable for a wide variety of wines: red, white and rosé, as well as sparkling and orange wines.

A variety of shapes and finishes to suit every winery

Amphoras are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes to suit every need:
  • Ovoid amphorae: Ideal for allowing the lees to move naturally, thanks to their angle-free design.
  • Cylindrical amphorae: More traditional, they optimise space in the cellar.
  • Buried or semi-buried amphorae: Inspired by ancient practices, these amphorae provide even better thermal regulation.
Some amphorae are unfinished on the inside, allowing greater micro-oxygenation, while others are coated with a resin or food-grade varnish to limit their porosity.

The ecological benefits of amphoras

Amphoras, made from natural materials such as clay, are part of a sustainable approach that respects the environment. They require less energy to produce than stainless steel or concrete vats, and their longevity makes them a sustainable investment for winegrowers.

Care and maintenance

Although amphoras offer a number of advantages, they require special care and maintenance:
  • Gentle cleaning: Porous surfaces must be carefully maintained to avoid contamination.
  • Fragility : Although robust, amphoras are more vulnerable to impact than other types of vat.
  • Investment costs: The price may be higher, especially for large-capacity models or those made by hand.

Why choose amphorae?

Amphoras represent a return to the roots of winemaking, combining tradition and modernity. They are ideal for winemakers who want to make authentic wines that reflect their terroir, while adding a touch of originality to their vats. Their technical and aesthetic qualities make them an increasingly popular choice for exceptional wines.

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