A guide to help you control your phyto campaign
To manage this challenge, each company sets up an organisation. This organisation must enable the use of products to be controlled, both from the point of view of technical efficiency and the health of users and the protection of the environment.
In reality, there are always a number of unforeseen circumstances that affect this organisation. Pest pressure varies from year to year. When the pressure is high, the number of treatments increases, the equipment is put to the test with more breakdowns, and treatment days are lengthened, with an impact on operators: stress, fatigue, taking extra risks, etc

An accumulation of "glitches" can undermine the work organisation initially planned. If there aren't enough options to deal with these unforeseen events, the system becomes overwhelmed. To make up for the situation, the actions taken can have negative effects on the health :
- the vine
- the environment
- operators.
To help you optimise your own work organisation, we'll be analysing the progress of each stage of work, with the aim of finding levers for action, whatever the size of your farm, with a view to improvement
Feel free to download the guide « traitements phytosanitaires : Quand sécurité rime avec efficacité ».
Contact :
Pôle Prévention des Risques Professionnels (P.R.P.) de la MSA Gironde :
05 56 01 97 71 ou 05 56 01 97 52