Outils d'aide à la décision

With VERIF'TECH AGRI, the MSA Gironde is offering an innovative, free application for carrying out technical checks on tractors and trailers. There's no need to look up the current regulations, it's simple and fun, and step-by-step diagnosis is completely autonomous. It's a win-win situation: better monitoring of farm machinery, improved visibility and operating condition, and safer journeys for everyone!
Designed as a genuine tool for farm businesses, this application can be used to store all the diagnostics carried out, from a single trailer to a fleet of several tractors.
By creating an account, users can consult the history of their diagnostics. Checks can be easily traced, so that repairs can be carried out in the workshop or by an agricultural mechanic.
A manual is also available to help you quickly check traffic regulations.
The VERIF'TECH AGRI application: innovation and benefits for all!
Road accidents involving tractors represent a small proportion of road accidents, but their consequences are often dramatic. Farm machinery drives more slowly and takes up more space than a car, which increases the risks. They must therefore be visible and identifiable from a distance, and by all road users.For all these reasons, technical checks on tractors and trailers are essential, and VÉRIF'TECH AGRI helps to simplify and support farmers in this process. Better monitoring of tractors and towed implements also means they are in better working order and more visible, which means less risk.
The VERIF'TECH AGRI application: for whom?
This application is aimed at all users of agricultural machinery in all agricultural sectors, and can also be used by agricultural schools as an educational tool.The VERIF'TECH AGRI application: the origin..
Since 2012, the MSA Gironde prevention department has been running a campaign to prevent road risk during the grape harvest.Over the years, this campaign has expanded to include technical checks on tractors and trailers, using a counterfoil booklet, for professional farmers.
With a view to modernising these diagnostic tools, the prevention department has developed an innovative mobile application for carrying out these checks and keeping up to date with the latest news and regulatory developments relating to agricultural road transport.
Find out more about the agricultural road risk prevention campaign: https://cphsct33.fr/risques-routier-en-periode-de-vendange/
VERIF'TECH AGRI: free download
The MSA Gironde is making this application available free of charge on the Apple Store and Play Store. It will evolve over time according to the needs expressed by users.

Pour télécharger l'application sur apple store

Pour télécharger l'application sur playstore (android)
Contact :
Pôle Prévention des Risques Professionnels (P.R.P.) de la MSA Gironde :
05 56 01 97 71 ou 05 56 01 97 52