Manufacturer : TERRAL
Reference : V17075S


  • Indicative price : A partir de 10 485 ht

Additional description

Châssis vision
4 ou 5 couteaux verticaux 1.40m ou 1.70m
2 ou 3 couteaux horizontaux de 75 cm ou 110 cm
Réglage de la hauteur des panneaux du dessus
couteaux orientables et réglables en largeur
Sécurité d'effacement anti choc sur les descentes verticales et horizontales
Fixation par ferrure fournie
commande électrique ou direct tracteur
Support de remisage inclus

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Safety and prevention advice
The use of mobile machinery is one of the main causes of accidents on farms. Machine compliance is a crucial factor.

The owner of a new machine has 1 year from the date of delivery to notify the seller of any lack of conformity (Article L4311-5 CdT). During this period, the seller is obliged to rectify the non-conformity at its own expense or to take back the machine.

To help you check the conformity of your trimming and pruning machine, you can download its conformity sheet from the Ministry of Agriculture website.
* Mandatory fields