Vine shoot shredder
Les broyeurs à sarments facilitent la dégradation des sarments laissés au sol après la taille en les fragmentant en petits morceaux. Ils enrichissent ainsi le sol en matière organique. Le rotor, équipé de marteaux crantés ou lisses disposés hélicoïdalement, déchiquette les sarments. Dans les broyeurs hors-sol, un rotor ramasseur achemine les sarments vers le rotor principal. Un dispositif d'andainage à l'avant rassemble les sarments en andain à l'aide de pales, de brosses ou de doigts en caoutchouc. Le boîtier renvoi d'angle connecte le rotor à la prise de force du tracteur via un cardan et un multiplicateur à roue libre. Les réglages incluent la vitesse d'avancement (2 à 4 km/h) et la hauteur de travail ajustée pour éviter l'usure prématurée des composants

Work objective

Vine shoot shredders are used to restore organic matter to the plot by breaking down the shoots left on the ground after pruning.
A vine shoot shredder facilitates this degradation by fragmenting and shredding the branches and rods into smaller components. Some vine shoot shredders are equipped with collection devices (bags, bins) that allow the raw material to be recovered in a compact form for later recycling.
Components of the vine shoot shredder
The rotor
The rotor is fitted with notched or smooth hammers that are positioned helically. It can be driven mechanically (angle gearbox and belts) or hydraulically.The pick-up rotor
This is fitted to above-ground shredders. Its function is toconvey the vine shoots to the rotor. It is driven mechanically (by chain) or hydraulically. Some manufacturers incorporate the hydraulic motor into the pick-up rotor to reduce the size of the shredder.Windrowing device

This system is fitted to the front of the shredder. Its function is to gather the vine shoots into a windrow.
It consists of blades, brushes or rubber fingers driven by a hydraulic motor.
The angular gearbox
The link between the rotor and the tractor's power take-off is provided by the angular gearbox via the universal joint. This is usually combined with a freewheel gearbox to ensure that the rotor speed is gradually reduced when the PTO is switched off. The rotor is driven by belts.

Adjusting and using the vine shoot shredder

Adjustment of vine shoot shredders is fairly straightforward.
The forward speed is adapted according to the volume of wood to be shredded and the grape variety. Generally, this is between 2 and 4 km/h.
The working height must be adapted to the terrain. It can be adjusted using the skids (or wheels) for ground shredders. For above-ground shredders, this adjustment will depend on the configuration of the pick-up (pick-up with or without piles). Care must be taken to ensure that the collector does not come into contact with the ground. In all cases, contact with the ground by rotating parts (rotor or pick-up) should be avoided in order to limit premature wear of the various components (bearings, hammers, pick-up teeth).